Wouxun KG-S72C antenna

The Wouxun KG-S72C is a modern CB radio with AM and FM capabilities, which are recommended for anyone buying a new CB radio. The KG-S72C has CTCSS and DCS coded squelch, which allows hearing only parties with the same subaudible code. Only a few other models of CB radio have this capability, so most users might only occasionally use coded squelch. An important point to note is that no one sells the KG-S72C factory antenna replacement, so be very careful not to lose or damage the factory antenna. Since the KG-S72C receives an SMA female antenna (the radio has SMA female connector), using long replacement antennas are mechanically fragile and could break the antenna jack.

The sound quality on receive and transmit is good, especially in FM mode as for most AM / FM CB radios.


The KG-S72C has a few cons, which are tolerable.

  1. Lack of RF gain control, which is a fundamental requirement for any CB radio to make listening tolerable in AM mode. Using the KG-S72C as a mobile radio with an appropriate SMA adapter to the mobile antenna coax is OK, but the lack of RF gain control can be fatiguing and is the second con.
  2. The squelch mode seems to be noise squelch only, which can be frustrating as it closes intermittently on loud AM modulation. It would benefit from a signal strength squelch as traditional CB radios use.