Free multispeaker large group web presentations
These programs allow hosting or attending a live Web group conference. We considered factors including: large attendee count, live feedback, several speakers/presenters who can share their screen, and allowing others to draw on that screen or edit the document. There are many more options such as Talky, etc. These web conferencing methods work for Linux / macOS / Windows / Android / iOS.
High quality livestreaming HD broadcasts via an API requires just a bit of reasonable technical knowledge to accomplish. Google Meet only requires a web browser and plugin (or mobile app)–it’s simpler to get started and is a good business-grade choice.
According to Omnicore, 95% of global Web users visit YouTube. YouTube Live is free for live events with live user feedback and multiple speakers. YouTube Live is easy to stream using FFmpeg or OBS Studio. YouTube Live streaming is also possible directly from the web browser.
The Facebook Live Graph API makes it possible to live stream broadcast from a laptop. FFmpeg can stream to Facebook Live from a laptop.
Zoom currently allows limited free use. Paid plans have unlimited time with a large participant count. The Zoom client is available for many platforms, or can be used directly from the web browser. The Zoom Linux client also works well.
GoToMeeting allows small free meetings, with a large participant count on paid plans. Web browsser GoToMeeting works well in the Google Chrome browser across operating systems.
WebEx web browser platform-independent conferencing works better than the installed WebEx app. WebEx limits participant count by pricing tier.
Google Meet has browser-based screen sharing / video group calls. Phone dialout / dialin is also available.
Discord can be used from an web browser, and allows thousands of simultaneous many-to-many voice and text chat users. Several speakers can share video/screen and audio as well. Discord is free to use with very low latency HD voice. Discord uses discontinous voice via voice activation or push-to-talk. Many-to-many conversations allows interrupting without pause/break.
Skype has plugin-free access via the web browser with a limited number of conference participants. Skype for Business has higher user count limits, but is not free.