John W. Eaton
continues to be heavily involved with GNU Octave development as seen in the
commit log.
The GNU Octave developer community has been making approximately yearly major
Octave is useful to:
run Matlab code to determine if it’s worth porting a function to Python
Octave allows running Matlab “.m” code without changes for many tasks.
“.m” code that calls proprietary toolboxes or advanced functions may not work in Octave.
I generally recommend learning and using Python unless one already has significant experience and a lot of code in Matlab.
Practically what happens is that we choose a “good enough” language.
What’s important is having a language that most other people are using so we can share results.
The team might be building a radar or robot or satellite imager, and what’s being used in those domains is C, C++, Matlab, and Python.
I want a data analysis language that can scale from Cortex-M0 to Raspberry Pi to supercomputer.
Yes, Matlab can use the Raspberry Pi as a target, works with software defined radio, etc.
Will collaborators have the “right” version of Matlab and the toolbox licenses to replicate results?
How can I debug 100 Raspberry Pi’s sitting out in a field?
I need to use the GPIO, SDR, do machine learning processing and forward packets, perhaps using coroutines.
Since 2014,
has been rapidly growing in the number of MPU/SoC it supports.
For just a few dollars, numerous IoT wireless modules can run an expansive subset of Python 3 including exception handling, coroutines, etc.
For rapid prototyping, one can get the prototype SoC running remote sensing code passed to the cloud before the first planning meeting.
Consider the higher-level languages ease of development and tools or inherent memory safety.
Like math systems such as
SciLab allows integrating multiple numerical systems together.
However, SciLab is its own language–with convenient syntax, and a Matlab to SciLab converter.
SciLab, IDL, Mathematica, and Maple suffer from small audience size and limited number of third-party libraries.
If an SSH session hasn’t been used for a while or the laptop goes to sleep, the SSH session typically disconnects.
This leaves a frozen Terminal window that can’t be used.
Usually the
keyboard combo does not work.
To avoid having to close the Terminal window, unfreeze the SSH client so that the same Terminal window can be used to reconnect to the SSH session.
This avoids needless rearranging when you’ve already got a desired tab/window layout for the Terminal.
In the Terminal windows, press these keys in sequence:
Python distutils was removed from Python 3.12 as proposed in
Setuptools 49.1.2 vendored distutils, but has experienced some
friction in setuptools 50.x
since so many packages
monkeypatch distutils
due to the little maintained status of distutils for several years.
With distutils deprecation in Python 3.10,
to setuptools is a topic being worked on by major packages such as Numpy.
Aside from major packages in the Scipy/Numpy stack, I don’t recall many current packages relying on distutils. However, there is code in some packages using import distutils that could break.
I applaud the decision to remove distutils from Python stdlib despite the fallout.
The fallout is a symptom of the legacy baggage of Python’s packaging.
Non-stdlib packages like setuptools are so much more nimble that sorely needed improvements can be made more rapidly.
Compilers define macros that can be used to identify a compiler and platform from compiled code, such as C, C++, Fortran, et al.
This can be used for platform-specific or compiler-specific code.
If a significant amount of code is needed, it may be better to swap in different code files using the build system instead of lengthy #ifdef logic.
There are numerous examples for C and C++ so here we focus on macros of Fortran compilers.
Macro definitions are obtained in an OS-agnostic way by:
echo "" | gfortran -dM -E - > macros.txt
that creates a file “macros.txt” containing all the compiler macros.
commonly used macros to detect operating system / compiler configuration include:
_WIN32 1
__linux__ 1
__unix__ 1
__APPLE__ 1
CAUTION: these macros are actually not available in the Gfortran compiled programs as they are in GCC.
A workaround is to have the build system define these for the particular compiler, OS, etc.
Fortran I/O operations like read() and write() have an optional iostat argument that can be used to capture error codes rather than stopping the program.
Fortran iostat integer non-zero error codes don’t have standard values across compilers.
Functions like
allow standard identification of end-of-file conditions across compilers.
There generally aren’t tables published of compiler-specific iostat codes, besides the source code of the compiler itself.
Intel oneAPI iostat
integer codes
are shared with other conditions in the Intel Fortran runtime library.
Make a grep() function in PowerShell by saving the following to a file “grep.ps1”.
To use this function in PowerShell command line, source the file with
. grep.ps1 and then use the function from the PowerShell command line like grep pattern filename.
One could make this function fancier to be more grep-like.
function grep($pattern, $path) {
Select-String -Path $path -Pattern $pattern
On Windows, VS Code “code” shell command is enabled by default when installing VS Code:
winget install -e --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
The installer program adds to “Path” environment variable like:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin
That directory contains “code.cmd” that invokes “Code.exe” in the directory above.
This technique avoids DLL Hell due to to the .dll files in the path above interfering with other programs if that folder was on Path.
For macOS, install VS Code shell command by pressing
For Linux the keys are
Start typing “shell command”.
Select “Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH”.
This allows starting VS Code from Terminal by typing code.
RHEL adds a few complexities on top of the “plain” Debian-based Linux distros.
SELinux in particular is another layer to consider.
Here are common considerations for settings up SSH and/or VNC on RHEL, CentOS or similar RHEL-derived Linux distro.
For SSH connection problems, consider adding to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
LogLevel DEBUG
systemctl restart sshd.service
journalctl -f
and try to login. This will print a good amount of information streaming and helps reveal .ssh/authorized_keys permissions issues and more.
To determine if SELinux is causing an issue, as a last resort one may temporarily and carefully edit /etc/selinux/config to have
and reboot.
Be sure to put that back to enforcing and reboot when done.
In general current VNC servers are not compatible with the Wayland desktop (that replaces X11).
Waypipe is a new remote desktop tool that works with Wayland.
However, Waypipe requires another Linux machine with Wayland, so it doesn’t work with Windows or macOS natively.
If permissible for your system, you may wish to switch the desktop to X11 instead of Wayland so that traditional VNC servers work.
Then reboot.
Ensure you can locally logon to the X11 desktop as usual.
Install TigerVNC server:
sudo dnf install tigervnc-server
Ensure username is specified with a display number in file: “/etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users”.
You do not need or want a file ~/.vnc/xstartup or ~/.vnc/config.
Logoff the local server, otherwise when you try to view VNC, it will just show a black screen.
If you are logged on remotely and try to login locally, the local login gets a black screen.
If this happens, you can logout the unwanted black-screen sessions by:
Linux package managers like Apt and DNF can be set to not install
recommended packages
by default, which can be useful for headless embedded systems or WSL.
This can save 100s of MB or more, which can be important for embedded systems or WSL to save time and disk space.
Saving of download/install time is often relevant to CI/CD systems.
A caveat is that some expected features may be missing.