The Android
GnssLogger app
logs data in the user-selected formats, including
GnssLogger can run for hours or days, assuming the device has enough storage.
Do test runs to be sure unnecessary other data files aren’t also stored as they can be much larger than the RINEX data.
When clicking “save and send” to end a logging session, the app asks where to save in the cloud.
Simply canceling the upload retains the data in the “Downloads” folder on the device.
This can be useful when the device has a low-bandwidth or expensive data connection, and the data can be uploaded later or copied to a computer via USB.
In addition to
procedures, Fortran also allows aliasing procedure names.
This is useful to provide a shorter or more convenient name for a procedure.
It’s easiest to understand from the example below.
program main
interface easy
procedure:: long_and_descriptive_procedure_name
endinterfacecall easy()
containssubroutine long_and_descriptive_procedure_name
print'(a)', "Hello from long name"endsubroutine long_and_descriptive_procedure_name
Matlab Engine API allows calling Matlab functions from Python code.
These commands are executed from Terminal, not from Matlab.
Go to the Matlab Engine directory to setup Matlab Engine, where “python” starts the desired Python executable.
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab('-nojvm')
y = eng.asin(1.)
The Matlab Engine should take about 1 second for Matlab Engine to start when called from Python.
For Matlab functions requiring JVM remove the “-nojvm” option.
Many Matlab numeric classes (single, double, logical) can be converted to Python types like:
Python floats pass into Matlab Engine by including a period . after the number.
asin(1) fails
asin(1.) works
Python can pass N-dimensional arrays to Matlab.
Matlab Engine provides asynchronous call with
PDCurses is a long-standing Curses terminal graphics library for which we provide
CMake build script
that works across operating systems including Windows, Linux, macOS and DOS.
X11, SDL2 and Windows console backends are supported.
CMake environment variable
controls default test parallellism to save test run wallclock time.
CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL=0 uses unbounded test parallelism.
If the computer runs out of memory or has conflicts with parallel tests, use
fixtures and resource locks
to control test run parallelism on a per-test basis.
CTest parallel somewhat randomizes the order of the tests.
ctest –schedule-random
randomizes the order of tests even for serial test runs.
This example run on a 4-core machine shows that no extra command line parameters are needed to use CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL:
By default, macOS keeps USB ports constantly providing power while in sleep mode, which can run down the laptop battery if a USB device such as a docking station is plugged in without a power adapter.
macOS command utility can set USB ports to power-off when the lid is closed.
This works by putting the laptop into hibernate mode, which makes the laptop wake up a few seconds slower than the standard sleep.
Test this by pushing the power button or closing the laptop lid.
Wait a minute to see if the USB device loses power.
A USB power analyzer (volt meter) can be used to check the USB port power as well.
Determine free space on Linux / macOS / Windows Subsystem for Linux with “ncdu”.
ncdu uses Ncurses terminal graphics to quickly show the biggest files in the Linux filesystem tree.
ncdu is very handy to find large files or directories that may be unneeded.
df -h
gives a drive-level summary of disk usage.
Package managers cache installed files in case of need to reinstall, but the packages can be redownloaded if needed to save disk space by clearing the cache.
Clear the package cache–for
(common in Debian-based systems):
TeX Live documentation can consume a lot of disk space.
To cleanup the documentation, consider removing packages matching texlive-*doc.
This also removes texlive-full but with no detriment to TeX Live working.
For all CMake find_*() commands including
the package path can be hinted by setting an appropriate environment variable or CMake variable.
This examples supposes a Homebrew package manager has installed OpenSSL 1.1, which the user wishes to use in a CMake project.
To hint the package path when configuring a CMake project, either specify OpenSSL_ROOT by environment variable:
The OpenSSL world is gradually transitioning from OpenSSL 1.1 to 3,
and Homebrew uses subdirectory to isolate the OpenSSL installs.
CMake does not recursively search as that would in general not have a stopping condition and at least significantly slow down the search performance.
GitHub Actions macOS
runners can use Apple Silicon CPU,
which is what most Apple users have.
Some build issues including the linker have historically had Apple Silicon-specific issues. Generally it’s good to test on the same CPU architecture as the target platform.
We sometimes find it necessary to
Xcode version
compatible with
Homebrew GCC
if build errors occur that are not present on a physical Apple Silicon laptop.