Meson can set a default C++ (or C) language standard level with fallback to older versions.
This allows recent compilers to support the full functionality of the project code, while falling back for older compilers.
get_option('cpp_std') can be used for logic within if desired.
We usually avoid the WSL default of putting the full Windows PATH into WSL.
Particularly when using a build system like CMake, there will be Windows libraries that WSL-based CMake thinks it can use that it actually can’t.
Fix by editing Windows file
inside the WSL distro:
When reading the documentation for a C library function, you may see a note that the function requires a feature test macro to be defined. This is common for functions that are not part of the C standard library but are part of POSIX or another standard. The feature test macro tells the compiler to include the necessary headers and definitions for the function.
Often the
macro is sufficient.
Try doing in C BEFORE including the header file that defines the function:
The default CMake build generator is operating system dependent.
In general many projects can benefit from increased build speed and especially rebuild speed of Ninja.
Switch the default build generator on any platform by setting environment variable
Add the location of the Ninja executable to environment variable $PATH or
Note that Ninja work-alikes like Samurai “samu” might get installed by default by some package managers.
These work-alikes might not have a new-enough Ninja API equivalent, so in those cases install the actual Ninja program.
If using
Conan Package Manager,
tell Conan to use Ninja by setting environment variable
The C++
STL <random> header
may not be implemented correctly by some C++ compiler / CPU arch platforms.
If a function using <random> is not essential to the program, avoid build errors by checking that <random> is working at configure time.
This example checks that <random> is working with CMake.
include(CheckSourceCompiles)check_source_compiles(CXX"#include <random>
int main(){
std::mt19937 mt_rand(0);
return 0;
The “main.cpp” can have #ifdef HAVE_MERSENNE_TWISTER to conditionally compile code that uses <random>.
This allows the rest of the program that doesn’t use this function to work without <random> or to fallback to a simpler RNG if suitable.
For VM server images in particular, the main display of the VM may never activate. The UTM message is like:
display output is not active
This is solved by powering off the VM, and adding a Serial Device under the UTM VM settings.
Rebooting will automatically popup a separate windows for the Serial terminal, where boot messages and login can be accomplished.
Often the main display window will then start working.
is a go-to library for asynchronous networking operations using “asyncio”.
One of the things we use aiohttp for is to replace synchronous “requests” with asynchronous aiohttp operations, to run many concurrent downloads or uploads for example.
Aiohttp 3.11
a long-standing bug that caused spurious warnings on exiting the asyncio event loop (e.g. at the end of a script or function) like:
Microcontrollers generally use a different CPU architecture than the developer’s laptop.
This implies a
cross compiler
is needed to build code for the microcontroller on the laptop.
It’s straightforward to install the Raspberry Pi Pico ARM C / C++ cross-compiler on macOS, Windows, and Linux.
Please follow the section relevant to the laptop operating system.
About 2..5 gigabytes of hard drive space is required by the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK and associated tools.
Git, CMake and a cross compiler are used by almost all full projects as well.
This script will install the cross-compiler and other tools needed for the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK, or follow the manual process below.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# determine OS and archcase"$OSTYPE" in
linux*)sudo apt update
sudo apt install git cmake g++ gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib;;
darwin*)brew install git cmake
brew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded;;
*)echo "$OSTYPE not supported"exit 1esac
The cross-compiler executables have a prefix “arm-none-eabi-” that are linked into $(brew --prefix)/bin for easy use from the command line.
It’s likely the macOS laptop has an Apple Silicon CPU.
If so, it’s necessary to
enable Rosetta.
Rosetta enables most x86 apps on Apple Silicon at nearly full performance.
Note: if on macOS you get a build error like:
arm-none-eabi-gcc: fatal error: cannot read spec file ’nosys.specs’: No such file or directory
and you’ve installed the GCC cross-compiler via:
brew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded
Then something is wrong with the cross-compiler setup.
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is useful for many projects including the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK.
WSL can be the easiest way to work with non-Windows projects on Windows.
The Ubuntu WSL process takes about 10 minutes depending on download speed.
WSL can be installed via the
Microsoft Store Ubuntu app.
If the Microsoft Store isn’t available on the computer, it is also possible to install Ubuntu WSL manually.
WSL can access
the native Windows filesystem.
WSL sees the native Windows filesystem “C:” in WSL via “/mnt/c”.
Use the native Windows drive under “/mnt/c/pico” from WSL.
Then use Windows File Explorer in path “C:/pico” to drag and drop .uf2 file to Pico.
The cross-compiler install on WSL Ubuntu is just like plain Linux in the section above.
To make switching between Windows and WSL easier, optionally use
Windows Terminal.
When setting up an older Linux operating system on a physical computer or virtual machine,
the Snap package manager might not work correctly at first.
Snap is handy to get the latest versions of software on older operating systems.
The following message might appear on first trying to use
to install a package:
too early for operation, device not yet seeded or device model not acknowledged
A fix
is to purge the Snap package manager and reinstall it.
CMake describes language standards supported by the specific C++ compiler being used by the Cmake project in
For example, a project may with to fallback to a lower C++ standard version if the requested standard is not available.
This is useful for building projects that need to support older compilers.
project(exampleLANGUAGESCXX)set(cxx_std17)if("cxx_std_20"IN_LISTCMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES) set(cxx_std20)elseif(NOT"cxx_std_17"IN_LISTCMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES) message(WARNING"${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} may not support at least C++17 standard")endif()add_executable(my_exemain.cpp)target_compile_features(my_exePRIVATEcxx_std_${cxx_std})
Normally the project wishes to use CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES instead of
as the latter tells all the features CMake knows, rather that what the compiler knows.
The C / C++ code can use
macro feature checks
that detect compiler C++ / C standard support.
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
// C++17 features
For C code likewise:
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
// C11 features