Matlab upgrade from Terminal
Matlab version upgrade can be initiated from the system Terminal or from the Matlab Help menu. Running the upgrade or Add-On install requires a graphical connection to the computer (Remote Desktop, VNC, or similar).
Matlab release upgrade
The bell icon on the upper right corner of the Matlab Desktop typically shows when a Matlab update is available. To force checking for install, even if the bell is not showing an update, under the Matlab binary directory look for “MathWorksUpdateInstaller”
fullfile(matlabroot, "bin", computer("arch"))
Matlab Add-Ons
Matlab Add-On Explorer is normally launched from the Matlab Desktop. The Add-On Explorer requires a graphical connection. To launch Add-On explorer from the Matlab binary directory look for executable “AddOnInstaller”
If the graphical connection has a problem like:
terminating with uncaught exception of type (anonymous namespace)::DisplayError: No display available.
try for diagnosis:
w = matlab.internal.webwindow('');
The first command (object instantiation) should not error. The method “bringToFront” should bring up a window if the connection / system allows.
If on Linux with a graphical connection and errors result, try renaming like:
r=$(matlab -batch "disp(fullfile(matlabroot, 'bin', computer('arch')))" | tail -n1)
Related: Matlab install on Linux