Matlab on macOS doesn't source ~/.zshrc

On macOS, Matlab does not source ~/.zshrc. This issue has existed at least since macOS started using ZSH as the default shell.

To workaround this issue, particularly when programs from package managers like Homebrew are needed, add a setup script to the Matlab project containing like:

if ~ismac

% Add Homebrew to the PATH
[ret, homebrew_prefix] = system('brew --prefix');
if ret == 0
  p = fullfile(strip(homebrew_prefix), "bin");
  if isfolder(p)
    setenv('PATH', append(p, pathsep, getenv('PATH')))

Then programs installed by Homebrew like CMake, GCC, etc. will be on Path environment variable in Matlab.

Note that the Matlab commands below do not help:

!source ~/.zshrc

system("source ~/.zshrc")