Installing LaTeX editor in Windows

TeXstudio LaTeX GUI in Windows can be used via native Windows or Windows Subsystem for Linux. TeXstudio needs a LaTeX system – either TexLive or MiKTeX is fine. The default MiKTeX install options are generally fine. MiKTeX by default installs a minimal LaTeX system where needed resources are downloaded as used.

By default TeXLive installs all LaTeX packages, which is excessive at 5-10 Gbytes. Instead, use the scheme “basic” under “Advanced” install options, which takes about 400 Mbytes. Install other packages later.

Finally, download and install TeXstudio.

To use the command line tools like “pdflatex” in addition to any GUIs like TeXstudio etc. add the TeXLive binary path to Windows path. Perhaps make a PowerShell script ~/latex.ps1 containing as appropriate for the installed TeXLive:

$Env:path += ";$Env:SystemDrive\texlive\2023\bin\windows\"

Packages can be added to TeXLive by the Start Menu → TeX Live Manager–under Package List select Status: All. However we often prefer to use tlmgr convenient command line like:

  • find package by filename: tlmgr search --global --file fullpage.sty
  • find fonts/packages by name: tlmgr info ieee

If all references are “??” (re)compile the .bib file by pressing F8 in TeXstudio. Watch for error messages.

MiKTeX popup occurs when compiling a new document with packages missing. Uncheck “ask me each time” if comfortable with that and want to stop seeing the popups. Fix “package not found” by pressing then type Package Manger and click on the MiKTeX icon to open the package manager. Click Repository/Synchronize, then install the missing package.

Related: Install LaTeX editor on Linux