C, C++, Fortran GDB debugging

Debugging C, C++, and Fortran code with GNU Debugger “gdb” is akin to debugging Python with pdb.

Start GDB Fortran debugger: assuming executable myprog with arguments hello and 3:

gdb --args ./myprog hello 3

Run program in gdb (perhaps after setting breakpoints) with


A typical debugging task uses breakpoints. Breakpoints are where the debugger stops running until you type


Set breakpoints by functionName:lineNumber. Example: Set a breakpoint in function myfun on line 32

b myfun:32

For breakpoints in Fortran modules in this example line 32 of a module named mymod in function myfun:

b mymod::myfun:32

List all scope variables as two separate steps.

  1. local variables
  2. arguments to the function.

Variable type, size (bytes/element), and shape (elements/dim) are available for each variable “var” by

whatis var

Example: a Fortran iso_fortran_env real64 3-D array of size 220 x 23 x 83:

var = REAL(8) (220,23,83)

If “var” is a Fortran derived type, get the same information about each record (akin to “property”) of the derived type by:

whatis var%prop

Local variables are variables used only within the scope of the function–excluding arguments to the function.

info locals

List the names and values of all arguments to the current function:

info args

Example: in integer function myfun(a,b) or subroutine mysub(a,b), upon info args you’d see perhaps

a = 1.5
b = 0.2

If a or b are arrays or structs, array values are printed as well.