Final verification of Intel vPro on site setup

When setting up a distant observatory it’s good to do a few final checks that otherwise require a site visit to fix. Although remote connection via SSH to the observatory PC is standard, the Intel vPro chipset, specifically the Intel Manageability Engine, serves as a crucial backup in case of operating system failure. This technology enables remote initiation of a Clonezilla USB stick or CD left in the PC to reimage the complete drive using the on-site external HDD prepared with Clonezilla prior to shipping. If this system fails, a site visit will be necessary to address major software issues.

To verify the Intel ME web server from the remote PC, access:

  • http://localhost:16992
  • https://localhost:16993

Verification from a laptop requires port forwarding SSH on the final hop, ensuring these ports are not exposed to the public Internet.

Access to the web interface allows selection of the boot drive. While this alone does not suffice for reimaging, maintaining two installed operating systems with boot-flagged partitions on each drive can be beneficial. Connection verification can be performed using MeshCommander, providing visibility and access to BIOS during boot and graphical remote control as if physically present at the PC.

Be sure the CPU fan hasn’t become loose from the CPU, that no wires are near the fan blades, and every cable is still plugged snug into the motherboard.