Too much data that is still not enough
This example uses the aurora, which is produced around most planetary bodies due to energetic particle kinetics as the particles penetrate the ionosphere. Optical instruments such as cameras give a line integrated measurement for each pixel (angle) of the imagers. This data can be useful for tomographic techniques, when the location and orientation of the camera is well known, and multiple cameras with overlapping field of view exist.
However, this rich data can be greatly supplemented and even superseded by other instruments, especially incoherent scatter radar, where 3-D + time data are available due to volume integrated target returns. Many analyses rely on those thin (~ 0.5 degree FWHM) radar beams to complete an analysis. We rarely know the needed orientation of the radar beams beforehand, and many ISR cannot change the location of their pre-programmed beams. Although as AESA they can steer almost instantaneously within the radar backend processor limits.
This is just a geospace example of too much data, but not enough to gauge individual analyses without additional processing techniques.