CMake resolve cyclical static link
CMake can automatically determine linker grouping via LINK_GROUP that adds linker flags like GCC:
to static link cyclically dependent targets.
Target LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY doesn’t always work. CMake docs suggest the trickiest cyclical static link cases may require Object Libraries.
A project had three targets (static libraries) that were always used like:
libfoo.a libfooC.a
libfoo.a libfooFortran.a
and the target code reference each other extensively, such that the linker gives up when ld
isn’t used.
Meson build system also adds --start-group
ld option automatically.
To keep the targets with distinct compile definitions (including for “foo_src”) use CMake Object Libraries:
add_library(tmp OBJECT ${foo_src})
add_library(fooC ${c_src} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tmp>)
add_library(fooFortran ${fortran_src} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tmp>)
Note, there is no “libtmp” created–only the object files from the “foo_src” will be created.