Quote CMake JSON arguments

The CMake string(JSON) subcommands should have the “json-string” input variable quoted to avoid CMake interpreting any semicolon in the JSON string as a list separator. This avoids CMake string(JSON ...) failures when the JSON string contains semicolons.

string sub-command JSON failed parsing json string:
  Syntax error: value, object or array expected.


Suppose a JSON string contains one or more values with semicolons in any value. In that case, the JSON string should be quoted to avoid the CMake string(JSON ...) failure.

set(json_string "{ \"key1\": 432, \"key2\": \"I like to write; my blog is about tech. \" }")

# Fails with a syntax error
string(JSON a GET ${json_string} key1)

# works as expeccted
string(JSON a GET "${json_string}" key1)

Related: CMake JSON array iteration