Detect CMake generator from CMakeCache.txt

The CMAKE_GENERATOR cache variable records the CMake generator used to configure the CMake project in the CMakeCache.txt CMake cache file. Surprisingly, the cmake -LA option does not emit the CMAKE_GENERATOR value.

Thus, parsing CMakeCache.txt will give the previously used CMake generator. This is relevant in automated processes such as CI/CD systems that may build for numerous configurations and generators. This parsing can be trivially done in scripts in many coding languages. Here we give an example in CMake script “detect_gen.cmake”:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)

file(REAL_PATH ${bindir} bindir EXPAND_TILDE)

file(READ "${bindir}/CMakeCache.txt" _cache)

  message(STATUS "Detected CMake generator: ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}")
  message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to detect CMake generator")

This script is used like:

cmake -Dbindir=/path/to/build -P detect_gen.cmake