CB Radio 11 meter DX
In 2017, WT Docket 10-119 modernized FCC 27 MHz (11 meter) CB Radio Rules as published in the Federal Register, including replacing 95.333 and 95.933. The obsolete Part 95.413 rule limiting legal CB radio communications to 250 km was removed.
CB Radio rules do not specify a maximum range for CB radio communications, as long as the other station is in the United States or Canada. Therefore, “DX”, two-way long distance communication typically using non-groundwave propagation such as skywave, meteor scatter, etc. is legal for USA CB radio operators with other CB radio stations in the United States and Canada.
At dusk/dawn, a form of skywave propagation known as greyline propagation can occur, allowing strong signals between distant stations within the same dawn/dusk region as seen on this live map. If propagation is enhanced but no station is transmitting on the frequency one is listening to, the propagation enhancement is not noticed. Like on other frequency bands, listening for known transmitters is a useful DX detection technique in the 11 meter band. For example, Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Stations (STL) can be heard around 26 MHz. 27.025 MHz CB radio channel 6 in the AM mode is a common frequency for CB DX. The 12 meter and 10 meter NCDXF beacons provide another source of live propagation detection, especially for seeing if the MUF is near the 11 meter band. The UK CADS and Ireland WPAS 11 meter community service broadcasts overlap with some traditional CB radio frequencies.