Zstd is an open file compression
Zstd has become widely used and is incorporated in the
Linux kernel
and GCC.
We use Zstd for data archiving particularly for large files where size and speed are a concern.
CMake supports Zstd compression throughout, including
Zstd is
into CMake, so there is no need to worry about system shared libraries for Zstd.
file(ARCHIVE_CREATE ... WORKING_DIRECTORY ...) is necessary to avoid system-specific relative path issues.
CMake ≥ 3.24 is recommended for general users for more robust and easy syntax.
For project developers, we recommend CMake ≥ 3.29 for C++20 modules and IDE integration.
the latest release of CMake is usually easy.
Admin / sudo is not required.
warns if cmake_minimum_required() is
< 3.10.
TLS ≥ 1.2 is now required by default for internet operations e.g. file(DOWNLOAD), ExternalProject, FetchContent, and similar.
cmake_language(EXIT code)
to exit CMake script mode with a specific return code.
This is useful when using CMake as a platform-agnostic scripting language instead of shell script.
Environment variable
is used to set the default install prefix across projects–it can be overridden as typical by cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= option.
Target property
allows specifying a test launcher.
For MPI program this allows deduplicating or making more programmatic test runner scripts.
Linker information variables including
have been added to allow programmatic logic like setting target_link_options() based on the particular linker.
changes PATH behavior for
Windows find_{library,path,file}()
to no longer search PATH.
This may break some projects that rely on PATH for finding libraries.
The MSYS2-distributed CMake is patched to include PATH like earlier CMake, which can be confusing for CI etc. not using MSYS CMake with that patch.
Windows CI/user may need to specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH like
Support for C++20 modules is considerably improved and most users will want at least CMake 3.28 to make C++ modules usable.
Generator expressions $<IF> $<AND> $<OR> now short circuit.
Test properties now have a DIRECTORY parameter, useful for setting test parameters from the project’s top level CMakeLists.txt.
CMake 3.28.4 fixed a long-standing bug in Ninja Fortran targets that use include statements.
graphviz configure preset
can generate GraphViz
dependency graphs
for CMake-supported project code languages including C, C++, and Fortran.
Fortran executables and modules are shown in the directed dependency graph.
Fortran submodule are not shown in the graph.
“dot” GraphViz program
converts the .dot files to PNG, SVG, etc.
dot program is available by installing the “graphviz” program via the package manager.
Generating the dependency graph requires CMake configure and generate.
Thus, the compiler and generator needed by the CMake project must be working.
The project does not need to be compiled before generating the dependency graph.
However, the user should select the same CMake configure options as they would for compiling the project.
HDF5 object-oriented Fortran dependency graph is below.
SVG vector graphics can be zoomed arbitrarily large in a web browser.
The “gfx/” directory is to avoid making files in the source directory.
The full path to executables on the system Path (and cwd on Windows) are discovered by Python
On Windows, environment variable PATHEXT is used to search filename suffixes if not specified at the input to shutil.which().
Shell aliases
are not found by shutil.which() since the shell is not invoked.
Instead append the directory of the desired executable to environment variable PATH, or specify it in shutil.which(..., path="/path/to/exe").
importshutil# None if executable not foundexe = shutil.which('ls')
Since shutil.which() returns None for non-found executable it is convenient for
For programs not on PATH where the executable path is known:
As a complete C / C++ / Fortran compiler package, Gfortran doesn’t require additional flags or environment variables.
To use GCC compilers, source a script like:
p=$(brew --prefix gcc)/bin
v=14exportCC=$p/gcc-$vCXX=$p/g++-$vFC=$p/gfortran-$v# to avoid GCC include errors -- MacOSX15.sdk incompatable at the moment with Homebrew GCCexportSDKROOT=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.sdk/
where v=14 is the major version number of the GCC compiler installed.
The SDKROOT line may be necessary when Homebrew GCC package hasn’t yet enabled the latest SDK–adjust to suite the system.
When a new compiler version or macOS version or Xcode SDK is released, it may be necessary to adjust the environment variables or flags temporarily until Homebrew updates the package.
does not generally consider NAMES parameter to have file suffixes unless manually specified.
For Windows, .com and .exe file suffixes are considered, with search order:
no suffix
If on Windows and an executable “hello.exe” or “hello.com” exists, then CMake will find it.
CMake would NOT find “hello.exe” on non-Windows platforms, where no file suffix is expected.
The full path to executables on the system Path (and cwd on Windows) are found by find_program().
Shell aliases
are not found since the shell is not invoked.
Instead specify find_program(... HINTS /path/to/exe).
Thus, parsing CMakeCache.txt will give the previously used CMake generator.
This is relevant in automated processes such as CI/CD systems that may build for numerous configurations and generators.
This parsing can be trivially done in scripts in many coding languages.
Here we give an example in CMake script “detect_gen.cmake”:
CMake directory property
can be used to specify additional dependencies for the configuration step.
For example, if a JSON file is used to specify source files, CMake wouldn’t detect if a source file was added, removed, or modified without CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS.
Sometimes, the situation is too complicated to specify all dependencies manually.
If a change is made that requires CMake to rebuild the cache, two equivalent ways to do this without modifying previously set options are:
These techniques work with any versioned program or library.
Here we use Matlab as an example.
find_package with a version range
would be used to simply select from a known-working version range.
Many Matlab codes require a modern version of Matlab.
It’s possible to select from an arbitrary min…max range of Matlab versions with CMake
as follows.
This technique works with other versioned programs and libraries as well.